Studiaza triunghiul , partea a II / Study the triangle, part 2

In prima parte, profesorul Fabio Leopoldo a prezentat o tehnica a triunghiului de baza; utila la orice centura, dar buna mai ales pentru centurile albe.


Astazi, Hillary Williams o sa prezinte o alta lectie despre triunghi, cu unele detalii interesante.


Putin mai jos, aceeasi Hillary va explica comenzile IBJJF in limba portugheza pentru a fi intelese mai bine de luptatori.


Yesterday, we studied a bit about the art of suffocating an opponent using two legs and two arms, one of the most efficacious in the Jiu-Jitsu or self-defense arsenal. In the first part, we featured a basic triangle by Professor Fabio Leopoldo; one useful at any belt but especially good for white belts to work on.

Today, Hillary Williams takes you through another lesson on the triangle, with some cool details.

A little further down, the IBJJF ref takes the chance to explain commands in Portuguese so fighters will understand. Check it out:

 Sursa: Graciemag.com

Categories: Tehnici BJJ


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